Shipping Policies

Shipping and Processing Policies


Your order will have a processing time of 3-4 business days! This time allows us to carefully package your item for its journey to you in the mail. 🌿

Delivery Times

Domestic orders are typically delivered within 5-7 days after shipment

International orders are typically delivered within 2-4 weeks after shipment

Fees and Rates

Shipping is calculated based on your location and post office rates. International shipping can be quite costly, but there is unfortunately nothing that we can do about this.

Customs fees and import taxes are the responsibility of the customer. If you neglect to pay your customs fees and your items are returned to sender, you will not be issued a refund. 

Address Changes

We are always able to change your address for you! To change your order address, please email us a request with the order number, exact item name, and new address! If the new address is in a different country, we will require a payment of the difference in cost before shipment. 

Lost Orders

Sometimes items get lost in the void of the postal service. If your package doesn't get delivered and your tracking number reflects this, please file a claim with the USPS to recover the cost of your lost items! See this article for instructions on how to make a claim.